
Independence supporting mum, activist, campaigner, and surprisingly – a PhD Student. If you like what I write perhaps buy me a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/squidge142

Manchester’s Horror Show

So … if any of you are watching the Conservative Conference and are not appalled. Why not?

This is no longer a Conservative Party, it is a far right group filled with people whose views are so abhorrent that they mirror the words of minority fascist groups like the BNP and the National Front.

Not only that but they lie, straight faced, so often with impunity although they do seem to be being called out on it a wee bit.

Let’s see, so far Andrew Bowie – Scottish Conservative MP has said that 15 minute cities are designed to prevent you from going anywhere else. Only allowing you to shop within that 15 minutes. Like what? What? That is a complete and utter lie.

Michael Gove told conference that “Brexit has been delivered… & there is now more than £350m extra a week for our NHS… promise made, promise delivered.”

Jeremy Hunt declared war on those people relying on benefits because they are sick or disabled, parroting the lie that people are voluntarily giving up work for a life on benefits. When there are 7 million on Englands NHS waiting lists and trying to actually get benefits drives people into destitution and despair.

But Oh my God, if ever there was a horror show it is Suella Braverman.

Some are touting this speech as a leadership pitch. God help us all. Suella Braverman spoke of a “hurricane of mass migration” coming to Britain, she spoke of the Human Rights Act as something to get rid of – calling it the “The Criminal Rights Act”.

She sneered at what she called “luxury beliefs”. So what are these luxury beliefs? They are the beliefs of fairness and equality, of fundamental rights for citizens. They are the belief that we must tackle climate change and treat people with dignity, compassion and empathy. Traits missing entirely from the Home Secretary and the Tory Government in general.

She called the Tories, the “trade union” of the British People. In a year when we have seen strike after strike after strike, that’s a bold take.

I am ashamed that this is the face of Britain on the world stage. That this bunch of charlatans, racists and lying, incoherent spivs are what the world sees.

The United Kingdom is a pale, shadow of its former self. At the General Election the Tories will be trounced, booted out. Traditional Conservatives will find a home in Keir Starmer’s Labour Party as it steps away from socialism, the left overs, if there are any from this Tory Government will embrace Braverman and a hard line right wing vomit inducing ideology. UKIP like, National frontish rhetoric smearing itself across the face of British Politics, leaving an unmistakeable stench behind.

Is this what Scotland wants? Is it? Open your door, look at your neighbours, your children, your grandchildren. Look at them and think about this

There is nothing that gives Scotland an opportunity to build a fairer better society. Nothing. Not Braverman, not Starmer, not the UK.

The only option to do anything different is with Independence. Without it? God help us all because our politicians won’t.

#YouYesYet? #IndependenceForScotland

If you like what I write you can buy me a coffee, I’m always incredibly grateful xxx


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